You are supposed to have this book in your hand. It is not by accident, happenstance or good fortune that you are holding it right now. Believe it or not, God intended it. This little book contains eternal truths that connect you with your God given destiny.
- Have you ever read the Bible and didn’t understand it? Have you ever prayed and didn’t get an answer?
- Have you ever wondered about the Holy Spirit?
- Have you ever questioned your faith?
- Have you ever felt helpless?
If so, this book is for you!
- Are there times you wonder if God loves you?
- Are there times in your life that you feel defeated?
- Are there times you want to know more?
- Are there times you just want to understand?
- Are there times you want it explained?
If so, this book is a love note from God! And the note reads like this, VICTORY!
Dr. John R. Adolph is an honors graduate from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse School of Religion (MDIV) in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also a graduate of the Houston Graduate School of Theology (DMIN) in Houston, Texas.
Dr Adolph is the Pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Beaumont, Texas. He is a gifted teacher and preacher of the Word of God,
RELIGION: Christian Living – Inspirational
RELIGION: Christian Living – Spiritual Growth
RELIGION: Christian Living – Church Growth
devotional; devotional books; devotional experiencing god; devotional bulk; devotional to end all devotional; devotional prayer; worship; prayer; christian devotion; inspirational; spiritual growth books; missionary Baptist; missionary Baptist church
I’m Changing the Game
Not Without A Fight
I’m Coming Out of This
Just Stick to the Script
Victorious Christian Living Volume I
Victorious Christian Living Volume II
Let Me Encourage You Volume I
Let Me Encourage You Volume II
The Him Book
Marriage Is For Losers
Celibacy is for Fools
Victory: Ten Fundamental Beliefs That Eradicate Defeat in the Life of a Christian
Better Together
Based On A True Story
Back To The Table
Articles-Zondervan Press
He Loves Me, He Loves Me, He Loves Me
I’m Certain That He Loves Me
His Love Made The Difference
God’s Mind Is Made Up, He Loves You