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What do you dream that your church could be? Unfortunately, most church leaders are very aware of the church’s past and feel like they are stuck in the present, which is making the future look very unsure. “The Church Revitalization Playbook,” tells the stories of four unique churches that went through a comprehensive period of revitalization. These churches, some actually dead, needed a plan to rediscover their purpose, so they can become the church God intended for them to be. This book tells the story of these four churches and their journey to health.


Ed Trinkle, the author of “The Church Revitalization Playbook,” chronicles stories of wins and some losses in the accounts of these churches. Your church and leaders can benefit from this book as you chart your course to restore health to your church. Ed has not only finished his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Strategic Leadership, but he is also a Certified Church Consultant, with a specialization in Church Revitalization.



Ed Trinkle and his wife Kim are from the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. They met in high school and have been married for 36 years. Ed and Kim have had the privilege of pastoring Warehouse Church in Plano, Texas, for the past six years. They have four married daughters who all serve in full-time local church ministry. They love their five beautiful grandchildren! Ed and Kim love speaking in marriage conferences and coaching pastors and church leaders to help their church become a healthy body.



church revitalization; church growth books; pastoral resources; christian leadership books



RELIGION: Churches & Church Leadership - Church Growth

RELIGION: Churches & Church Leadership - Pastoral Resources

RELIGION: Ministry & Evangelism - Pastoral Resources


The Church Revitalization Playbook

SKU: 9781597556538


    P: 407-252-8968

    Orlando, FL, USA

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