Hidden within the pages of the Old Testament, specifically the Israelites’ exodus out of Egypt, is the unparalleled story of redemption for believers today. Like the Children of Israel were enslaved in Egypt, we were born enslaved in sin. The Israelites had Pharaoh as their slave driver, and we had the devil. With all hope lost, the Children of Israel were utterly trapped in Egypt. Nevertheless, God sent Moses to rescue them. In the same way, God sent His beloved son Jesus, to save us from sin and death’s unyielding grasp.
Out of Egypt, Into Promise, will reveal the many things we share with the Children of Israel, but will focus on the one thing they lacked. What they couldn’t possess makes a world of difference. Understanding the work Jesus began in the Israelites, and the work He finished on the cross, will enable you to finally stop wandering the wilderness and fully possess your promised inheritance!
David Ravella is a teacher of God’s word, who focuses on revealing Jesus Christ within the pages of the Old Testament. Born and raised in Long Island, New York, David is excited for the promise God declared to him: revival in his home state. The best is yet to come!
KEY WORDSExodus; Exodus commentary; Old Testament commentary; New Testament; New Testament commentary
RELIGION: Christian Living - Inspirational
RELIGION: Biblical Commentary - Old Testament / General
RELIGION: Biblical Commentary - New Testament / General
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SKU: 9781597555586
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