When you watch the news do you wonder if there is a panacea (cure-all) for all of our societal ills? What one key factor:
- Influences a teenager to commit suicide, drop out of school or shoot a police officer?
- Caused the spark event in Sanford Florida between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman in 2012 and other cities life Ferguson, Orlando and Baltimore? How have these tragedies impacted the spiritual, social and economic landscape of our nation?
- Influenced all of the school/college shootings and crime in our communities?
- Causes relational breakdown between husband and wife, parents and children?
- Causes people to attract and break-up with the same kind of person over and over?
- Prevents me from finding success and fulfillment in my work or business, no matter how hard I work?
- Shaped the lives of our presidents, governors, leaders, and parents?
- Shaped the lives of perpetrators, rapists, sex offenders, prisoners, gang leaders, and drug addicts?
- Impacts business executives, priests, and pastors? And by now I am sure you are wondering it has shaped me?
If your curiosity has been piqued, read this book to learn what one key factor literally shaped the course of the world and what you can do about it
Two key spark events; the shooting death of a 15-year-old girl 5 inches from his son and the shooting of Trayvon Martin 500 yards from his home in Sanford ignited Paul Benjamin, Founder, Conference Speaker and Chief Servant of Central Florida Dream Center, on a mission to bring healing to fatherless youth globally.
RELIGION: Christian Life - Inspirational
The Parkland School shooting; Trayvon Martin shooting; Black Lives Matter; George Floyd Murder; Blue Lives Matter; The Pulse Night Club shooting; Teen Girls and Boys Suicide; Cutting; Mental Health Disorders; The Opioid Drug Epidemic; Gang Violence; Human Trafficking; Sexual Abuse; Domestic Violence; Gender Identity Conflict; Relationship Conflicts; Divorce; Political Conflicts; Anti-Semitism