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Daily Armor covers topics and answers questions that most devotionals won't address. It is frank, transparent and passionate. This book is meant to challenge people to move beyond just "Jesus Loves Me” and to analyze themselves and ask: "Do I Love Jesus?" Jesus said that if we love Him, we will obey Him.


Daily Armor encourages people to go deeper, higher and further with God than ever before. Beyond God's love for us, it also discusses, throughout, the idea of whether or not WE love God, by our choices and our lives. Daily Armor urges believers to engage in the battle of spiritual warfare, being fearless of the devil because of our authority in Christ! This book dares believers to do consistent, honest self-analyses and check their thoughts, words and actions in light of the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation).

Daily Armor: Truth and Prayers

SKU: 9781597554831
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