Better Together
Unity, armony, and synergy for the Body of Christ
This devotional grew out of a desire to press our church family closer together in what we sought to give the Lord as it pertains to Christian Service. With this in mind, this small devotional guide will serve as our first para source material, designed and developed by me to steer everyone at the church in the same direction.
This book is not a theological treatise on Christian doctrines and dogmas though it contains some of both. This book is simply a 90-day study guide for the servant members of our congregation to glean, gain and grow from as we seek to work together for the cause of Christ and the glory of our God.
Dr. John R. Adolph is an honors graduate from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse School of Religion (MDIV) in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also a graduate of the Houston Graduate School of Theology (DMIN) in Houston, Texas.
Dr. Adolph is the Pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Chinch in Beaumont, Texas. He is a gifted teacher and preacher of the Word of God.
Books › Religion & Spirituality › Worship & Devotion Devotionals
Books › Religion & Spirituality › Worship & Devotion Inspirational
Religion & Spirituality › Worship & Devotion Prayer
RELIGION: Christian Living – Devotional
RELIGION: Christian Living – Spiritual Growth
RELIGION: Christian Living - Prayer
devotional; devotional books; devotional experiencing god; devotional bulk; devotional to end all devotional; devotional prayer; worship; prayer; christian devotion; inspirational; spiritual growth books; missionary Baptist; missionary Baptist church
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