In Meagan Collins’ intriguing debut novel, “Vengeful Assassin,” the main character, Andrew Maxwell, is an agent for the European government who is famous for working alone. His knowledge, skills, and years of experience are all well-known throughout the world of intelligence. However, he gets a young, inexperienced assistant who puts a dent in his plans in one of his most dangerous assignments.
René is a five-foot-four inch, 135-pound beauty who has an appetite for mystery, adventure, and suspense. Having never done anything like this before, she is extremely thrilled about this opportunity. Unfortunately, Andrew doesn’t feel the same, but he’s tasked with the responsibility of protecting an innocent novice, keeping himself safe, and tracking down dangerous terrorists in the process. His job takes him to America, where he has to find his former boss’s killers.
Such dangerous escapades take him to the darkest, far most corners of the globe, where he finds himself in the midst of perilous situations that put his life at risk; his most frightening moment is when a gun is held to his head. He must think fast, or he and his partner will die. Will they survive and make it back to London headquarters, or…?
Meagan Collins, a modern-day medical miracle, was born in Houston, Texas, in 1998 at 24 weeks, weighing less than one pound. She thrives as a young, blind novice launching her debut novel, "Vengeful Assassin."
She is currently pursuing a degree in English. When Meagan isn't writing, she enjoys reading, exercising, and spending time with family.
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Books > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thriller & Suspense
Books > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thriller - Espionage
Books > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Crime
Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Mystery > Police Procedurals
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SKU: 9781597556521
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